
NUPL reiterates call to repeal anti-terror laws amid continuing dismissal of fabricated charges

The government’s ambition to exit the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) gray list or meet arbitrary prosecution quotas cannot, and must not, serve as a justification for the harassment and criminalization of activists and rights defenders. These are people who take the blows so that others may live with dignity. To brand them as terrorists is a grotesque distortion of truth.

On DOJ’s grandstanding narrative regarding financing terrorism charges vs. CERNET

The DOJ must be reminded of its ethical duty: prosecutors are entrusted not with securing convictions at all costs, but with ensuring that justice is served. This means upholding the principles of fairness, due process, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. The use of fabricated evidence and the solicitation of false testimony constitute not only ethical violations but egregious affronts to justice.

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